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Dec 28, 2020

Wait it gets better is an Improvisational story telling Podcast.

A Siege For City, A Strange Stag, Two Forces at War.
Story Elements:
Levi: Villain

Reed: Opening Scene

Seth: Wise Old Women

Questions, Requests or Suggestions

Dec 21, 2020

071-WaitItGetsBetter-One More Pandemic this time From Space

Wait it gets better is an Improvisational story telling Podcast.

The Space flu and back and its bad!
Story Elements:

Levi: Random Insert

Seth: Unique Restaurant

Reed: sboabyar

Questions, Requests or Suggestions


Dec 16, 2020

Wait it gets better is an Improvisational story telling Podcast.

How is the Hero Going to train the Sidekick when they are the same Person?
Story Elements:

Levi: Ka-tet Members

Reed: Wise Old Man

Seth: Hero's Sidekick

Questions, Requests or Suggestions

Dec 8, 2020

Wait it gets better is an Improvisational story telling Podcast.

A Tree as old as time, Alien Tech is there some connection?

Story Elements:

Levi: Wise Old Women

Reed: Unique Weapon

if you have any Questions, Requests or Suggestions please send them to